Worried about using a film camera? Read on…

Olympus Trip with crocodile finish. Available for sale

You know, I get many, many emails and messages from people saying that they would dearly love to start using a film camera, but are afraid of getting involved with a soon-to-be obsolete art form.

Well, let me put your minds at ease, if you are one of these people.

Firstly, it isn’t an expensive hobby — a simple vintage camera can cost as little as $10, depending upon what make, model and sophistication you choose.

Secondly, I can assure you, with hand on heart, that film is NOT going to become obsolete very soon. Why do I say this? Well, for a start, there are millions of professionals who use the format, aside of the tens of millions of amateurs, too. And the remaining film manufacturers know this, otherwise they would have stopped making it years ago.

In fact, a major film company, I can’t remember whether it was Kodak or Ilford, actually mentioned to the press that their main source of earnings was the manufacture of film and film products — there you have it from the horse’s mouth!

Third, and this is of vital importance; even if you want to use digital format in the main, using a simple film camera will teach you far more than a digital one ever could. You will learn to slow down, take your time in composing your photo, you will learn how to judge exposure without a meter, you will learn what depth of field means and how you can use it in your favour; a myriad of things in fact, and all of which will not only help you to become a better digital user, but will increase the enjoyment you get from using your digital camera even more.

Fourth is the availability of film; this one always gets people worried. Where am I going to buy my films? Where will I get them processed? I don’t have time to go film shopping. The answer to all of these questions is that you don’t have to go anywhere! All kinds of film are now available from the comfort of your own home or office. You simply don’t need to go anywhere. Just choose which films you need, click on a button, and the items will be delivered to your home, easy as ABC!

So you see, you have nothing at all to lose, but a whole lot of very important information to learn.

And let’s face it, if film were to become obsolete overnight (..it’s like saying I can sing better than Nat King Cole…it just ain’t gonna happen…period!), how much would you stand to lose? $10? $20? Even $100? Well, that amount won’t exactly break your bank, will it?

Get my point? Quit worrying and let me help you start; email me anytime about your worries or just leave a comment here; I promise to reply within 12 hours. How’s that?


About filmcamera999

ME & MY PASSION! ok, you probably looked at the length of this "about me" page and thought, god, what's wrong with this guy!....does he have to start telling us his life story or something!!? well, youve come here now anyways, so why not hear what im like as a person, eh? ive been using film cameras for well over 30 years...my first one being the family yashicamat twin lens! over the years, ive both bought sold and collected film cameras...too many to tell the truth! in fact, ive been buying and selling cameras well before the internet came on the scene, so anything you purchase from me is backed by my self-styled moneyback promise.....if you dont like what youve bought, send it back within 14 days and you get all your money back...no arguments!! WHERE I STAND ON THE DIGITAL REVOLUTION! yes, i do use digital as well, but only as a ready-reckoner...i try and take most shots with my simple 2megapixel digicam....if the shot looks good, i pull out my film camera and shoot! i most defintely do not believe in digital manipulation of photographs....that in my eyes is not photography...its cheating! WHERE I USED TO LIVE, WHERE I AM NOW & WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO DO! i used to live in Ontario, Canada, but moved back to the UK a little while ago (its a long story..!)...but now i'm living in the one place i always wanted to be...Vancouver, BC..the next best thing to paradise on earth! as i work as a freelance writer as well as other things, i often find hat my work takes me to europe for short spells, so i get to travel a lot...not a blessing, as i just hate long flights! im a qualified Quality Assurance guy (you know...ISO 9000, auditing, documentation etc) ....99% of my skill-set is transferable so i can handle any admin or documentation-related roles....see you in BC! otherwise, i specialise in ISO 9000 auditing and documentation. my dream? to have my own thriving camera shop in Vancouver BC, whilst living in the mountains somewhere.....the best of both worlds!
This entry was posted in black & white photography, cellphone art photograhy, chemicals & film, Classic film cameras, digital cameras/accessories and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

8 Responses to Worried about using a film camera? Read on…

  1. Luddy's Lens says:

    Excellent! I think the most important point is that film teaches us the full spectrum of the process of photography — both the creative and the technical stuff.

    Also, just to bolster your fourth point, there are plenty of film labs that will accept orders by mail; all of my film is sent to my lab by mail, and I’ve never had a single hitch, .

    • glad you liked at least some of the points im making! as we all know, using simple cameras, and i mean those without any electronics or automation, is fundamental in enabling anyone understand the whole concept of photography etc…thats why so many people these days jump in the deep end with a zillion megapixel digicam…then after the initial surge of adrenalin, the camera is put away in its box, to be used only at special occasions…

  2. mostlymonochrome says:

    Well written.

  3. artsifrtsy says:

    Nice read – tell me more about the Oly in the photo – I have been looking for one.

    • hi!
      well, the olympus trip in the photo is one of several i have…there is one with a tan lizard skin effect also…i just wanted to have something different to use, so one day i decided to remove the original leatherette and fit these custom finishes…they look rather grand and always attract attention whenever i use them! inside, i always make sure they are cleaned to remove any dust that has collected over the years….and of course the light sealing foam in these cameras is always rotten and disintegrating, so i remove that gooey stuff completely and fit brand new guaranteed-for-life seals…there we go…tahts a little history about them! if you wish to purchase the crocodile skin model, or indeed the lizard skin type, feel free to email me on harsum888 at yahoo dot com….

  4. Love this post!!! I agree to all your points, and don’t forget the fact that our film cameras NEVER have to be updated, and they will not stop working when they are older than two years. What does all that cost if we use digital cams?? For ex, Canon 5D MkIII = $3500!! You’ll get a LOTLOTLOT of film for that kind of money. And our negatives will manage all future disc crashes, no backups needed….. There is so much more to say, but I just smile! =D
    Thanks for sharing!!

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