A new retro-look digital camera hits the shops!


I read somewhere a few days ago about a new digicam that’s hit the shops. It looks just like a retro classic camera! Yep, my thoughts exactly!

If you’re going to all that trouble to produce a camera that looks like a classic retro camera….um, why not buy a classic retro camera in the first place…?




About filmcamera999

ME & MY PASSION! ok, you probably looked at the length of this "about me" page and thought, god, what's wrong with this guy!....does he have to start telling us his life story or something!!? well, youve come here now anyways, so why not hear what im like as a person, eh? ive been using film cameras for well over 30 years...my first one being the family yashicamat twin lens! over the years, ive both bought sold and collected film cameras...too many to tell the truth! in fact, ive been buying and selling cameras well before the internet came on the scene, so anything you purchase from me is backed by my self-styled moneyback promise.....if you dont like what youve bought, send it back within 14 days and you get all your money back...no arguments!! WHERE I STAND ON THE DIGITAL REVOLUTION! yes, i do use digital as well, but only as a ready-reckoner...i try and take most shots with my simple 2megapixel digicam....if the shot looks good, i pull out my film camera and shoot! i most defintely do not believe in digital manipulation of photographs....that in my eyes is not photography...its cheating! WHERE I USED TO LIVE, WHERE I AM NOW & WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO DO! i used to live in Ontario, Canada, but moved back to the UK a little while ago (its a long story..!)...but now i'm living in the one place i always wanted to be...Vancouver, BC..the next best thing to paradise on earth! as i work as a freelance writer as well as other things, i often find hat my work takes me to europe for short spells, so i get to travel a lot...not a blessing, as i just hate long flights! im a qualified Quality Assurance guy (you know...ISO 9000, auditing, documentation etc) ....99% of my skill-set is transferable so i can handle any admin or documentation-related roles....see you in BC! otherwise, i specialise in ISO 9000 auditing and documentation. my dream? to have my own thriving camera shop in Vancouver BC, whilst living in the mountains somewhere.....the best of both worlds!
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6 Responses to A new retro-look digital camera hits the shops!

  1. limr says:

    Are you talking about the Fujifilm X100? It’s gotten very good reviews. I get what you’re saying about the retro look, though. If I ever got one, it would be for what it can do, not for what it looks like. But who knows, maybe people will think it adds to their street cred if it looks like they’re shooting an actual vintage camera.

    Speaking of which, have you seen this? The Lubitel 166 is in production again:

    I’m not entirely sure how I feel about it. Actually, I sort of do. Deep down, I think it’s cheating. I don’t know how and I don’t know if I’m being a snob, but I’ve got an original Lubitel 166 and I feel like if you want to shoot a classic TLR, then learn how to do it properly. Yeah, I’m kind of being a snob, aren’t I? Meh.

    • hehe!
      no, youre not being a snob….youre just saying what all true film users feel…that if you wanna use something that lokks like a retro camera, why not use a REAL retro camera, not one made to look like one….simple!
      tnks for dropping in, sir!

  2. limr says:

    Well I thought I had just left a comment, but then it completely disappeared. Not even a “Your comment is in moderation.” note. So forgive me if this is a repeat and feel free to delete one of them if they original one shows up somehow.

    I’m not sure what digicam was just released. It’s not the Fujifilm X100, is it? It’s gotten very good reviews and seems like an excellent camera, though I get what you’re saying about the retro look. Perhaps people will think it will add to their street cred or something.

    But have you seen this?

    The Lubitel 166 is in production again. Lomography is manufacturing it, apparently using the original molds for the plastic body. I am torn about this. Deep down, I kind of think it’s cheating. If someone wants to shoot a vintage TLR, then they should get an original Lubitel and do it properly! Especially when a good one can be had for 1/3 of that Lomo price. At the same time, even though its return is once again probably about hipster street cred, at least the ones who get this are still buying a manual film camera, not a digital one.

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